How To Write A Perfect Blog Post In One Hour

If you are a digital marketer then we are sure that you must be having a lot on your plate. There is so much to do and being creative always takes time. The same goes for content writers, they usually work with more than one client, which makes them want to work faster. 

We have seen a lot of articles where people give tips and tricks on how to write a 2000 words blog post or 3000 words blog post within an hour and it is possible if done in the right way. Here we will talk about these hacks – keep reading to learn how to write a perfect blog post in one hour.

Tip 1: Decide on What You Want to Write

When Writing for Yourself:

We understand that you are in a hurry but this will help you write a blog post real-quick. Suppose you are writing for your own website about interests but you have to decide what to write on. Having an idea is more than enough to fasten your typing speed.

When Writing for Someone Else:

If you are writing for someone else and you are assigned a keyword then again think hard on what to write about. This may require some research but giving a quick read to the research article, you will be able to write better than before.

Tip 2: Write Headlines First

Write Head Lines

Ideas come and go quickly sometimes and that is why you need write down whatever comes in your mind. Sometimes, you can get more ideas while writing and when you reach to the next headline, you may get more ideas. This will help you adding more relevance to the article and blog and you will be able to write faster than ever.

Tip 3: Become Fearless

There are times when you don’t get ideas even after research is done and not even after writing headlines that is why you need to start with a single regular line that comes in your mind and we are sure that creativity will hit you on your way and this will increase your typing speed. This tip may sound impossible but if you keep on practicing, it will work.

Tip 4: Make Short Paragraphs

Sometimes, we get tired of reading our own article or just by seeing the length of it. If you make small paragraphs, you will get time to take a moment and that moment is enough to get your energy back and this will make you type fast. Making small paragraphs will allow you to a small break or just catch breathe. 

Tip 5: Be You

There is a lot of competition among content writers and digital marketers and sometimes, competition can slow you down instead of boosting your confidence. We suggest that you write in the most natural way or whatever your style is. The more you will be yourself, the more you will be able to write fast. This is something that all copywriters and content writers do but seldom will someone tell you.

Tip 6: Put Yourself in Readers Shoes

Put Yourself In Readers Shoe

Let us say that you have no knowledge about SEO and you are going to read about it for the first time, you will want to read a blog that will explain things in the easiest way. We are suggesting that you should also write in a way that you are explaining your blog to a toddler. Write in a way thinking that you are talking to someone directly. It will help you write the best blog and fast.

Tip 7: Use Formats

Writing long paragraphs will send you to boredom and that is another reason why suddenly you cannot type fast. To overcome this issue, it is highly suggested that you make use of bullets, headings and subheadings. This will help you type fast, become more creative and it become more readable to the user. 

Tip 8: Use AI Tools

You will be surprised to know that now you don’t need to write a blog because an AI writing tool can do it for you. It can create unique and creative blogs within minutes. But you might have to rewrite some lines because no matter how much AI powered it may be, there can be errors. We also suggest that you proof read the blog before posting it or submitting it.

Tip 9: Do Mind Mapping

Before you start writing, do mind mapping. In this trick, you need to make a structure of your blog. Let us say that you are writing about digital marketing and its mind mapping will be done in the following steps:

  • Your first step will be introduction to digital marketing
  • Next, you will write about issues of old marketing and advertising ways
  • Next, you will write the importance of digital marketing
  • Now, you have to write about why the certain business should opt for digital marketing
  • Lastly, you can suggest some digital marketing ways and tips

Tip 10: Write Like a Story

Write Like A Story

Writing a story may be the easiest thing. But at times, there are topics where one cannot write like this. For this, you need to create a story in your mind which means you need to make an outline of your blog. This will help you save time in being creative and writing fast. 

Tip 11: Take Short Breaks

This tip may require your self-control because sometimes, smaller breaks can become a super long break and that is what we don’t want. If you want to write a perfect blog post in one hour then taking small breaks is a good idea. You can do the following in the smaller break:

  • Walk around
  • Do sit ups or jump around
  • Make instant coffee or tea
  • See a small video; Tiktok videos are suggested or Reels as they are less than 15 seconds.
  • See a meme and refresh your mind

Last and Final Tip

At last, we suggest that you be focused. Before sitting on your laptop or computer, make up your mind that you will work fast. Put some pressure on yourself. Because at the end of the day, it is your mind that will make you write the perfect blog post in one hour or less.

Your mind can unleash unbelievable potential that you yourself will be left astonished and that can be done by freeing your mind from all distraction and believing that you can do it.We have seen some writers writing 5k to 7k words in a day but at the end of the day, they are fully drained and left with cramped hands. Writing fast will result in spring rest of the day for rest and fun which will again boost creativity for the next day.   

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